Recreational Climbers
recreational climbers
Climbers 5 - 6 Years old
Mini Crushers Club (Ages 5-6)
The Mini Crushers Club at Onsight is the perfect entry point into climbing for our youngest climbers. Our active and engaging staff will introduce your child to the world of climbing in a fun and encouraging way. Through once-a-week lessons that encourage exploration and creativity on the wall, young climbers will join other peers and develop the building blocks and passion they will use on their climbing journey.
Mini Crushers Mondays: 4:00 - 5:00 PM AND 5:15 - 6:15PM
Mini Crushers Wednesdays: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
No practice on select holidays (e.g., Labor Day)
$69/month (Harness Included | Gym membership NOT included. $20 per month add-on for gym membership available upon request)
Upon request, a day pass can be added to your climber’s account for missed practices if you did not choose the membership add-on.
Onsight Climbing Academy 1 is an 8-week program that aims to teach your young climbers the fundamentals of rock climbing in a small group setting. Each class incorporates an unique skill development lesson that will improve their climbing ability by the end of the program. Through group-based instruction and personalized attention, we will work closely with each child to teach them about this amazing sport we are all so passionate about.
This course is a prerequisite before taking Climbing Academy 2 & entering a climbing club.
Climbing Academy Absentee Policy: Students who miss ONE Climbing Academy session, and notify their coach of that absence, will receive one punch pass + rentals. The punch is to be utilized during the 8 week time period to make up the climb time missed. No climbing instruction will be provided with that punch. After the 8 week session, the punch is no longer valid. We do not recommend missing more than one class as that may inhibit your ability to move to Climbing Academy 2. Students that wish to make up instructional time can purchase private lessons outside of their Climbing Academy day.
Spaces are limited and fill up quickly. Please contact to place your child on the waiting list. No experience is necessary.
Ages: 7 - 12 years
Cost: $199 per 8 week session (rental gear included)
***Full gym membership to Onsight is NOT included; A $40 membership add-on for the 8 week period is available upon request.
Onsight members receive a 10% discount
Siblings receive $10 off each additional registration after one full price registration
Prerequisites: No previous climbing experience required
Spring Climbing Academy 1 Dates:
Tuesday 4 - 5:30 PM | March 25 - May 13 (FULL)
Sunday 10:30 - 12 PM | March 30 - May 18 (FULL)
To be notified when registration opens for Fall Climbing Academy 1, please contact
Onsight Climbing Academy 2 is an 8-week program that aims to teach your youngsters the intermediate skills of rock climbing in a small group setting. Each class incorporates an unique skill development lesson that will improve their climbing ability by the end of the program. Through group-based instruction and personalized attention, we will work closely with each child to teach them about this amazing sport we are all so passionate about.
This course is a prerequisite before joining a climbing club.
Spaces are limited and fill up quickly. Please contact to place your child on the waiting list.
Must have successfully completed Climbing Academy 1 or have approval from a qualified climbing coach.
Climbing Academy Absentee Policy: Students who miss ONE Climbing Academy session, and notify their coach of that absence, will receive one punch pass + rentals. The punch is to be utilized during the 8 week time period to make up the climb time missed. No climbing instruction will be provided with that punch. After the 8 week session, the punch is no longer valid. We do not recommend missing more than one class as that may inhibit your ability to move to a club program. Students that wish to make up instructional time can purchase private lessons outside of their Climbing Academy day.
Ages: 7 - 12 years
Cost: $199 per 8 week session (rental gear included)
***Full gym membership to Onsight is NOT included; A $40 membership add-on for the 8 week period is available upon request.
Onsight members receive a 10% discount
Siblings receive $10 off each additional registration after one full price registration
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Climbing Academy 1 or approval by a qualified coach
Spring Climbing Academy 2 Date:
Wednesday 5 - 6:30 PM | March 26 - May 14 (FULL)
To be notified when registration opens for Fall Climbing Academy 2, please contact
Kids Club at Onsight Rock Gym is for youth climbers who want to climb recreationally in a group setting but in a low pressure, non-competitive environment. Our dedicated and professional staff will be there to belay/spot climbers, offer encouragement and general instruction, as well as guide groups through fun climbing activities. Climbers will meet once a week and together share in the enjoyment of this awesome sport!
Fridays 4:00 - 5:30 PM
$89/month | Includes Full Gym Membership | Optional: Add $25/month for gear package (harness, chalk, shoes)
OR $29 per drop-in class (gear included)
ABSENCES/MAKE UPS: Upon request, a day pass can be added to your climber’s account for missed practices.
This climbing club is geared towards those who are self-driven and have a strong desire to continue growing in the sport. The purpose of this program is to expand upon the base which was established in the Climbing Academies by working on specific climbing skills and beginning athlete development. In this one and a half hour session, members of the Junior Crushers Club will learn and practice skills and techniques of rock climbing through an engaging curriculum of active coaching and creative climbing related games and activities. Our ever-changing lesson-based sessions aim to provide an ongoing supportive and social environment for your young climbers to be their very best, achieve personal goals, and crush!
Junior Crushers Thursdays: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Junior Crushers Fridays: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
$99 per month | Includes Full Gym Membership | Optional: Add $25/month for gear package (harness, chalk, shoes)
PREREQUISITES: Coach’s Recommendation upon completion of Climbing Academy 1 and 2 + Drop-In Trial Practice
Onsight's Crushers Club is designed for those older tweens and teens with some climbing experience who are eager to continue growing in the sport and refine their learned skills in the Climbing Academies. Club members will climb, train, and receive coaching in a non-competitive, supportive, and encouraging environment. We have developed a program that allows for personal growth and development while fostering respect, communication, and character building. Climbing Club seeks to create lifelong climbers and stewards to the greater climbing community. Club members who are 13 and over may be taught how to belay at the Coach’s discretion.
Tuesdays: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Sundays: 3:00 - 4:30 PM
$99 per month | Includes Full Gym Membership | Optional: Add $25/month for gear package (harness, chalk, shoes)
PREREQUISITES: 12 and Under - Coach’s Recommendation upon completion of Climbing Academy 1 and 2 + Drop-In Trial Practice
13 and Over - Coach’s Recommendation (** Intro To Climbing and Technique 1 Classes highly recommended for those new to the sport)